
I have taught as a full-time yoga teacher in Central London for over 6 years. As a teacher observing the movement patterns of city workers and the general public, I decided that posture was the area I wanted to specialise in and help people improve. As a result, my classes involve a combination of mobilising stretches and strengthening exercises designed to weed out the muscular imbalances we develop via our day to day habits, so that we can move in smoother, stronger and in more solid, healthy form. We’ll mobilise and stabilise the whole body, targeting the neck, shoulders, hips and working all the way down to the feet. You’ll be supplied with detailed instruction on how to align and adjust your poses so that you achieve the full benefits the exercise can provide, with modifications and progressions provided for students to play around with, so you can truly make the practice your own.

Yoga means the union of the mind, body and spirit, and the practise can enhance your sense of wellbeing, in addition to the body’s range of motion and overall mental health. For more information, get in touch via the contact link here.

Sporting Background

I started young, with horse riding, to highboard diving and swimming, to martial arts (MMA, Brazilian jiu-jitsu) and eventually yoga.
I started yoga at 17 years old due to a debilitating lower back condition. My physiotherapist provided me with a handful of yoga poses and within the space of a couple weeks I could move comfortably again, pain free.

Synergy DP